I contacted a clients daughter, and after generic salutations, she asked the colloquial "how are you?".
I responded "I am absolutely wonderful, thank you for asking".
That simple answer, one of truth and contentment, caused the daughter to stop and take notice. She said "Wow, people don't usually say that, they usually say 'Not so good'. "
Look at this picture, it was taken a few years ago on a vacation my husband and I took to Gooseberry Falls in Wisconsin. Between the trees growing out of rocks, the gorgeous waterfalls, and the stunning rock formations, it's hard to find anything negative. This is one of my favorite places on Earth- I find it's relaxing and peaceful.
Still, even in this seeming paradise, people will complain about the crowds, the fact that the gift shop didn't have such and such or that the bugs are disagreeable! Even when surrounded by beauty and proof of Gods majesty and His creation, we still find things to complain about-that is a sure defect of the human race.
We need to stop and take in the blessings that surround us every single day. I suffer from chronic pain, each and every day I wake up in pain and feel pain nearly every minute of every day. That said, I have the ability to walk, to move, to do what I need to do every day. I feel blessed to have a home filled with pets that have captured my heart. I love that I have a job I love with coworkers who are amazing.
I notice the sunrises, sunsets, and the cloud formations. The other day, on my way to work, I saw the most beautiful sunrise, it literally took my breath away! How can I not be grateful?
It is my belief that we need to focus more on the blessings in our lives. When we focus on the negative, we see more negative, it shades how we perceive the world around us. The same is true when we choose to focus on the positive. Make no mistake, it is a choice. Below are some suggestions for learning to focus on the positive:
- Make gratitude a habit: Like any other behavior change, it takes time and practice. Take time every single day to stop, even for a moment, and focus on whats good and right. Notice a gentle breeze, your breath, take in the view from where you are. We are surrounded every day with blessings and miracles. Don't believe that? Take a moment and think about how different people are- each one of us is created to be different, to fill a different purpose. Amazing.
- When negative thoughts creep in, turn it around: When you find yourself thinking a negative thought or focusing on the not so positive, catch yourself, stop and turn it around. Sure, I have pain every day, I could focus on the chronic pain, or I can focus on the fact that I am able to get out bed and move everyday. I can stress about being busy at work, or I can choose to focus on the fact that I have a job with really great coworkers.
- Change your self talk: One of the biggest changes I made when learning to focus on the positive was to change one phrase. Instead of saying "I have to go to the store" or "I have to clean the house, I learned to say, "I get to". I have the ability and means to go to the grocery store when I want to, I have a home I love and I get to keep it clean. That simple change, goes a long way towards changing our focus.
- No complaining: Its hard at first, but really make a commitment to not complain. If you are unhappy with someone, talk to them. If you are unhappy with a situation take steps to change it. learn to be proactive, complaining doesn't change our circumstances, instead it gives us permission to focus on the negative and wallow in self pity-not a pretty look on any of us.
Try these few items for just two weeks and see if your focus is not changed. Once you begin to focus on the positive in your life, you will see life in a different way.
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