I have been watching the news lately and have had this recurrent thought that God must be truly disappointed in his children. We have become so mean and hateful towards one another, that it is hard to listen to the evening news or read a newspaper.
I'm not sure why "news" has to be mostly bad news, terrifying items or sad information-I thought the purpose of the news was to update us on the world around us. It was to provide us with information we would not otherwise have access to. In my opinion, that should be both good and bad information-without a slant by the media.
Why is the bombing of the Boston marathon more newsworthy than the stories of people who have overcome personal tragedy, and raised thousands of dollars for a cause. Why does the news focus on the rancher in Utah who is defying the government, but it refuses to mention how we should honor the tens of thousands of soldiers who selflessly lay their lives on the line protecting that ranchers right to oppose his government.
The media discusses natural disasters, the missing flight of ML370, mass murders, human brutality beyond belief, civil wars, and so on. Yet they are slow to cover the people who choose on a daily basis to make a difference. The unsung heroes of our world who choose to help others, fight for peace, and make a difference. Why don't we hear stories of Katie Davis, an incredibly inspiring 22 year old who has taken the message of the Gospel to heart. She went out on a limb, moved to Uganda and everyday makes a difference in others lives (for more of Katies story, click here ).
I find that at night, I often pray for all of mankind. I have been troubled by the lack of compassion and love that we show one another. I cannot believe how cruel humans can be, how intolerant and how selfish we have become. It is becoming more rare to look out for others, instead, most of us have the attitude that if we don't lookout for ourselves, no one will. I admit, that I fall prey to this line of thinking too. The truth is, it is hard to put others before ourselves, but that is exactly what Christ calls us to do.
If Jesus, who was perfect in every way, could place each one of us before himself, and take the punishment meant for us even while knowing that most of us would not fully understand or appreciate the gift, then certainly we can place others first in our lives. To feed a stranger, to look at someone with compassion and not judge them for their mistakes, but love them for who they are, is difficult, but so worth it. In winter, I buy extra gloves, hats and scarves and keep them in my car. If I see someone who is in need, I offer what I can. Many times, I am politely turned down, and we all go about our lives. Two times, my life was altered by this simple act.
The first time was when I was in Madison for a swim meet with my son. It was a cold winter, the temperatures were well below zero that day. On my way home, I noticed a homeless man huddling near a McDonalds building. I went through the drive through, ordered a coffee for myself and an extra coffee for him. When I pulled up to offer it to him, I noticed he had no gloves on. He was grateful for the cup of coffee, and wrapped his hands around it tightly. I noticed how cold he looked and how sad his eyes were. I wanted to offer him a pair of the knit gloves in the back of my car, but God pulled at my heart. Instead, I handed over my husbands warm ski gloves (knowing that I had a warm car, a home and the means to get another pair of gloves). That kind gentleman took them, and with a tear rolling down his cheek thanked me in a quiet voice. I drove home- changed forever by that moment.
The other moment was while working about 5 years ago. I was driving to lunch with a friend, when we both saw a man with a cardboard sign that read "Homeless and Hungry". We went to lunch and talked about our days, our families and so on, but I could not get him out of my mind. Before we left, I ordered a meal for that gentleman, praying that he would still be there on my way back. He was, I pulled over and offered him the meal. That gentleman was so grateful, he tanked me and my friend profusely and sat down right there on the corner to eat! My heart changed again, this time more deeply.
I am like so many others, i have learned to look past the needy, but not anymore. I do what I can do to help. I am no Katie Davis, but I hope that I make a difference in some lives everyday. We need to be more focused on doing good and reaching out. We must treat each other with love and compassion. We must remember that when we are blessed, it is not as a reward for doing well, but rather a responsibility to continue doing well. God gives us much so that we may share and give to others.
I believe that every person has a calling in their heart. My brother in law and his family, have missionary hearts. They travel the world doing short term mission trips, and that is wonderful. It is a blessing to many that they are able to come and share their many talents and open hearts. I am called to help out those closer to home. My mission work is subtle, but no less important. I am called to reach out for a moment to those who are in need. Both callings are equally important and needed if we are to bring the Gospel to the masses. We must reach out in love in all areas of our lives.
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