Tuesday, December 31, 2013

What Makes Us Great?

Greatness is defined as "exceptionally high quality" by  the Mirriam-Webster Dictionary.  Words listed as similar include: faultlessness, flawlessness, perfectness and even value, worth and importance.  Talk about a high standard!  As a Christian, I believe that there was only one person who could meet that definition; so, while I value Mirriam-Websters opinion, I have chosen to redefine greatness in my life.

I believe that greatness is in all of us.  We need to believe in our abilities, do our best and do what we do out of love.  Greatness is not in doing something better than anyone else, that just makes us great at one thing.  A truly great person, approaches life differently than most of us-they approach life from a position of love and kindness.  Greatness is doing something that changes the world, for the better.

Parents, when we do our jobs well, we have achieved greatness.  Don't believe me?  Let me share an question that was presented to me years ago.  Who is greater, the great Reverend Billy Graham or his mother?  There is no doubt that Billy Graham is a great man who has brought millions to Christ, and has made significant changes in how we look at each other; but I present that he was taught to be so loving and on fire for Christ by his parents.  His mother planted the seed, taught him to have the confidence to vocalize his beliefs and the strength to stand when others questioned him.  See what I mean?

As a parent, we approach our children with love.  Our hearts are overflowing with love for our children, therefore we provide for them, discipline them, support them.  To be sure, I consider my greatest achievement to be my son-and I know many parents who feel exactly the same way.  What a blessing for our children!  As a side note, I believe that every child should feel like they are the most important person in the world to their parents, and that the lives of their parents have been enriched by their children.

OK,  back to the topic of greatness.  It is in the small details that true greatness can be found.  It is in how we speak to one another, how we confront or support one another, and how we behave when no one is there to see us that really defines greatness.  A great person is full of integrity, honest and truthful and approaches every person with love.

We are great when we take in the homeless, feed the hungry or shelter the needy without seeking recognition.  We are great when we look within ourselves and seek to make the world a better place without announcing what we are doing.  We are great when we can sit with a grieving friend and just hold their hand when the words won't come.

It's time to redefine greatness in our minds and stop worshipping todays world leaders, celebrities and sports stars.

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