Thursday, October 31, 2013

Have we Lost our Compassion?

Yesterday morning, I was watching the morning news, drinking my coffee, when I heard the news story of Darnell Barton.  You have probably heard of this compassionate and courageous man as well.  he is the school bus diver from Buffalo, NY who saved a woman's life.  He was driving a  bus load of students from McKinley High school, when he noticed a woman standing on the wrong side of a guard rail over a busy over pass.  He stopped the bus and calmly, compassionately and bravely, assisted this woman back over the guardrail and stayed with her.

USA Today reported that Darnell prayed while he sat with her.  He was humble in writing his report, and in meeting with the media.  His concern continues to be with the woman he saved.  While I was impressed with his act, and I believe he deserves every minute of press he gets- we are much too quick as a society to glorify glamorize the shameful among us- what really took me aback was the people that passed by her.

Watch the video- there is a pedestrian and a cyclist, who pass by her without even breaking pace!   

Are you kidding me?  

How does a person pass by another human being, clearly distraught and in need of human compassion, without even a second glance?  Have we become so immune to each others suffering and pain, that we are no longer able to see it?  Are we now so busy, that we cannot be bothered to slow down and help another human being in need?

I have to admit that I was convicted by this as well, I found myself praying and wondering if I would have stopped and offered to help.  While I cannot say I would have stopped driving a bus load of teenagers ( I would like to think I would, but I cannot say for certain that I would), I am certain I could not walk past a person who is about to end their life and not even slow down.  I am disturbed that the news has not covered this aspect; that we, as a society are so numb and unaware of each others suffering that it is not even newsworthy when several people overlook someone in need!

This is just one example, we overlook our homeless, our mentally ill, our elderly, and others we consider "on the fringe".  Ephesians 4:32 tells us "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you".  I think we are failing in this area.  We need to step up to take care of each other, to look out for each other as fellow humans.

It's not just strangers that we treat with indifference.  I am not proud of it, but I have to admit that I have treated people I love dearly with indifference when it did not serve my timing.  When my husband needed to talk about work, but I was distracted with my own work issues, I was short with him, and certainly not compassionate and loving.  I have seen dear friends torn apart over a careless word, a thoughtless sentiment, or a lack of compassion when it was needed most.

I understand that we all fall short, we all have times that we are more focused on ourselves than on others- even though it's not correct.  It's not that we need to be perfect, there was only one perfect person who walked this earth; but I feel that as a whole we are becoming more calloused and hard.  We see the needs of others less and less, we seek to care for others less and less- and that is a shame to me.

I will continue to work on being more caring and compassionate, because it makes a difference.  That's my view from my corner of the world.

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